Our Why

An important factor of why we exist is to serve local municipalities in providing an option of diversion to young legal offenders in order to possibly maintain a clean legal record. Youth must participate in structured group meetings focused on teaching “realities of breaking the law” and positive options for their future. By providing this opportunity, our youth are given the chance to maintain a clean record.

Studies show it is best to keep a first-time offender out of court, if possible. The program saves tax dollars. It also saves the cost and time of judges and staff, thus allowing Juvenile Court more time to address more serious matters requiring court intervention.

According to Youth.gov, the purpose of diversion programs is to redirect youthful offenders from the justice system through programming, supervision, and supports. Arguments that support diversion programs include the following: *

  1. Diverting youth who have committed minor offenses away from the system and towards community-based treatment involving the youth's family and service/support options unique to the individual's needs is a more appropriate response than confinement. Employing diversion programs rather than going through the formal system is a more productive way of addressing and preventing future delinquency, thus reducing recidivism. It grants youth the chance to alter their trajectory and decision making moving forward without unnecessary and long-lasting punitive consequences.

  2. Formally processing youth through the juvenile justice system does more harm than good by perpetuating delinquency through a stigmatizing ”labeling” process. Labeling youth as delinquent can create a self-fulfilling prophesy and expose youth to circumstances within juvenile and adult correctional institutions that may actually increase delinquency.

  3. The cost of community-based services and diversion programs is significantly less than the cost of incarceration and expensive out-of-home or residential placement facilities. As such, implementing diversion programming for youth adjudicated delinquent reduces system costs and preserves necessary public resources for the handling of more serious crimes.

Juvenile Diversion In the News

Edwardsville Police Thank Juvenile Diversion Program with Donation

Local Youths Graduate from Unique Juvenile Diversion Program

Second Chances Matter

Students to graduate from Juvenile Diversion program

Poking Around: An alternative to juvenile court for teens headed down wrong path